We are going to exactly show you how you can easily see the contact information of the sender and the recipient(s) of any email at a glance in Gmail below.
Before we begin, please make sure to install Gmail add-on of Shared Contacts for Gmail by clicking here.
1. First, in Gmail, click on the Shared Contacts for Gmail icon in the add-on section (right side of your screen)
2. Now, open your desired email.
3. You will see the email of the sender and the recipient(s).
4. If you have the contact of recipient or sender saved in your Google Contacts or someone has shared their details with you using Shared Contacts for Gmail, then you can easily see all the details by clicking on your desired contact.
This is how easy it is to see the contact details of the sender and the recipients of any email at a glance in Gmail with Shared Contacts for Gmail®.